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日期:2022-02-23 15:06:43    大小:【】【】【
在美国前总统尼克松首次访华50周年之际,美中基金会创始人、主席李黎先生,致函我会顾问委员会联席荣誉主席、尼克松总统的女儿翠西和女婿爱德华 考克斯,代表美中基金会全体成员向他们二位与尼克松总统的家人表示问候。李黎主席在信中表示,本会将承前启后, 继往开来,一如既往地将中美民间友好这一伟大事业推向前进。



50年前的1972年2月21 日, 尼克松总统~美国总统中最睿智远见、最有影响力的一位总统, 开启了历史性的访华之旅。从那时起, 中美也开始了融冰的历程。

今天, 中美关系正在经历起落与困难; 回顾中国老一辈领导人和尼克松总统建立中美关系的伟大实践, 我们总能够受到鼓舞与激励!我们 将在今年和未来继续加强中美两国民间交往; 促进中美两国人民友好; 为使中美关系重新回到健康发展的轨道做出我们的持续努力。



李黎(Larry Lee)

Dear Tracy and Edward,

I hope this letter finds both of you happy and healthy!

50 years ago, President Nixon, one of the most intelligent and influential American Presidents in history, made his first historic visit to China on Feb 21, 1972. US and China relation had started ice-melting journey since then and it has been very fruitful.

Today US-China relations experienced ups and downs difficulties; and looking back to the great success of US-China relations made by President Nixon and older generation of Chinese leaders, we are greatly inspired to do more exchange programs between the two countries and two people in 2022 and future, to promote a stronger US-China people to people friendly relations, and also do our best in making US-China relations return onto a right track.

As always, I am looking forward to your expert suggestions to the USCF.

With my warmest personal regards

Yours very truly,

Larry Lee
Chairman and Co-founder
The US and China Foundation
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